Sunday, April 26, 2015

Assassins Creed

Assassins Creed is by far the best game series in my opinion. You get to play as different characters in different eras of time like the renaissance or the american civil war. You play as an assassin from the creed during that time period. They are fighting the templars and stopping them from conquering the world with mass brain control. They keep everything in the shadows though and live by three tentants1)Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent.2) Do not draw attention before you strike.3) And never compromise the brotherhood. These rules dictate every aspect of there lives but they also live by one more hidden rule that only the master assassins know NOTHING IS TRUE EVERYTHING IS PERMITTED. That rule has significant meaning behind it because the assassins could do whatever they want and no one would be able to stop them but they choose not to.

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